Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Give thanks by making a difference...

Happy Thanksgiving Week! I have had so much fun as Classic Ms. Global United 2012-2013! As I continue to live a life of service with my crown, I am amazed at the number of people I encounter in all of my appearances that do not serve, have never served and have no idea how to get started.

Because of this, I am challenging all of you to make this Thanksgiving weekend count. Take just one hour (longer if you can) and do something for someone else and your community. Grab an empty bag and walk to the nearest park to pick up litter. Google local events in town and show up to help in some way. Go on the website of a community organization, look for their needs list and collect some items. A few to consider
 are Target giftcards for prenatal vitamins for pregnant teen girls at myHealth for Teens and Young Adults (wstcmn.org), Coats for Kids drive, local holiday food drives or Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child. Help Isaac's Hope Foundation in their mission to end childhood cancer by donating dollars through my Game Board of Hope- send me a message at classicmsglobalunited@gmail.com to hear more. I am volunteering at the Walk for Hunger at the Mall of America on Thanksgiving morning and at the Season of Wishes booth for the Make A Wish Foundation on Saturday at MOA. 

All I ask is that you just simply do something to make a difference for someone else in the next few days...thank you and HAVE FUN DOING IT!  Lisa Stordahl